Tuesday 3 April 2012

Saturday, March - 31

Miserable Nap Time - Ted is off for a real weekend. Rare enough to make it special. Lunching in town with Liz and her Dad Nick, we'll get to meet Bambi, Nick's wife. Cafe Bambula is closed!
Wtf. {5 BANANAS!!}

We end up at Hemingway's. I like it there, it reminds me of
those balcony places in New Orleans, eating and drinking overlooking the happenings on the street below. Dinner scheduled at Polly's tonight so we should grab a nap before dinner. Lunch was nice. I toss and turn and a few things zip around in my head.  The lack of family interaction hurts and (sip pints) disappoints me. Of course Mum died today, as I write. I get crankier and crankier as I am unable to sleep. I actually develop a headache not like me at all. I don't want to go to dinner by the time that rolls around, but decide to drag myself for Teddy's sake. His sisters still have his birthday gifts as they couldn't be bothered since 7th January because they never showed up for his birthday. Boy can they be selfish or maybe just inconsiderate. Dinner is actually really nice and I'm glad I decided to go. Then home again, home again, jiggerty jog!  I want to. (Hallenfe) challenge myself to (ion)
 Illustration Friday and create an illustration, posted to my Flickr account every week. Commit commit!!!!
  Michele gets cranky without a nap.


  1. Michele, thanks for passing by my blog and for appreciating my artwork. thanks.
    Your blog is a real paradise

    1. You are very welcome Maddalena, hope you have time to look at my IF posts as well. critiques and comments are always welcomed.

  2. Hello Michele! Thank you very much for leaving a comment in my post for IF.
